The Life of Pi by Yann Martel is a wonderfully creative story about a young Indian boy’s struggle for survival first in India and later in a lifeboat after his ship to sank on its way to Canada.
The first part of be book is really focused on Piscine “Pi” Molitor Patel’s childhood in Pondicherry, Ind ia, where his father owned a zoo. During this part of his life Pi acquired is nickname and a fondness for religions. This continues until Pi is about 16, when his family decides to sell the zoo’s animals and move to Canada due to the political climate in India.
The second and larger part of the book is about Pi and his family’s journey. Unfortunately, the ship transporting the family and some of their animals sinks after four days at sea.
Pi ends up the only human survivor on then lifeboat, along with an orangutan, hyena, zebra and a bengal tiger named named Richard Parker. Before long, the survivors are cut down to just Pi and Richard. The real bulk of the story is the relationship between the two over the following 277 days.
Martel did a great job with this book. It’s hard to believe this book was rejected by at least five different publisher before it got published.
Jeff Woodman did an amazing job narrating this 11.5 hour book. He uses an Indian accent for most of the book and it is so convincing that I didn’t know he wasn’t Indian until I checked out other books he has narrated. He really brought this book to life for me.
Narration gets 9.5 out of 10
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